I thought I had sure aim with the flyswatter, but somehow I * the fly.!@#$@!
"Missed" is the past tense of "miss," but "mist" is a very light rain.
!@#$@!missed!@#$@!mist$%^%$Henry VIII's daughter, Mary I, * over England for five years.!@#$@!
A "reign" is the rule of a monarch, while "rain" is the water that falls from the sky.
!@#$@!reigned!@#$@!rained$%^%$We watched as the large machine formed the hay into a great big *.!@#$@!
A "bale" is a bundle, while "bail" is money to get out of jail, or sometimes a verb (usually used with "out") meaning to release from a predicament.
!@#$@!bale!@#$@!bail$%^%$My cat returned last evening with several dandelion seeds stuck in her *.!@#$@!
"Fur" is animal hair, while a "fir" is an evergreen tree.
!@#$@!fur!@#$@!fir$%^%$Sometimes I just want to bury all these bills in a * in the ground and not have to deal with them again.!@#$@!
"Hole" is correct. "Whole" is an adjective referring to the completeness of something.
!@#$@!hole!@#$@!whole$%^%$The school was very proud of its new * director after seeing such an improvement in the choir's performance that year.!@#$@!
"Choral" refers to a musical chorus, while "coral" is an underwater polyp skeleton.
!@#$@!choral!@#$@!coral$%^%$Meg and David are working very hard to pay off * debt.!@#$@!
"Their" is a possessive, while "they're" is a contraction of the words "they" and "are."
!@#$@!their!@#$@!they're$%^%$Cindy started looking very * during the party, so I told her she should probably sit down and rest.!@#$@!
A "pail" is a bucket, but "pale" is a very light shade of color.
!@#$@!pale!@#$@!pail$%^%$The campus police were worried that a concert by a certain rock band might * some students to behave violently.!@#$@!
To "incite" is to provoke, while an "insight" is an understanding.
!@#$@!incite!@#$@!insight$%^%$I didn't know * my sister was meeting us at the restaurant, or at the store.!@#$@!
"Whether" is used when speaking about alternate possibilities, while "weather" refers to rain, wind, and the like.
Which Word?
Each game consists of ten sentences with a word missing (represented by a blank line in the sentence). After the sentence appears, two words will appear on the screen. Your job will be to select the word which best fits the context of the sentence. Click the correct word to complete the sentence.
Work quickly but accurately; your score is based on how many questions you answer correctly, and how much time it took to complete each question.
This game is similar to
Proof It!, but is quicker and easier to play, since it does not involve any typing.
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